Trina Solar provides best-in-class PV modules for optimized, reliable, and ultra-high-powered utility-scale solar system performance.
Not only are the modules backed by one of the most bankable solar manufacturers in the industry, but top solar research agencies, including Fraunhofer ISE and Black & Veatch, have confirmed the advantages of Trina's Vertex series in reducing CAPEX and lowering LCOE in utility-scale solar installations.
Not only are the modules backed by one of the most bankable solar manufacturers in the industry, but top solar research agencies, including Fraunhofer ISE and Black & Veatch, have confirmed the advantages of Trina's Vertex series in reducing CAPEX and lowering LCOE in utility-scale solar installations.
Higher Power Output, Higher Efficiency, Faster ROI, Lower LCOE
Vertex N Sets a New Standard for Utility-Scale Solar Projects
620W Maximum Power Output
23% Maximum Efficiency
- Innovative N-type TOPCon PV technology
- Bifacial
- 132 monocrystalline cells
- Multi-busbar technology
- Low voltage design concept
- 0~+5W positive power tolerance
- 30-year warranty, including backside power gains
Ultra-high power meets 21.6% efficiency
The large-format Vertex module delivers up to 690W using the 210mm large-size silicon wafer
690W Maximum Power Output
21.6% Maximum Efficiency
- Bifacial
- 132 monocrystalline PERC cells
- Multi-busbar technology
- Low voltage design concept
- 0~+5W positive power tolerance
- 30-year warranty, including backside power gains
TrinaPro is the utility-scale solar solution with a one-stop solar shop that makes it easier for developers and EPCs to find project success.
Partnering with the TrinaPro team gives developers and EPCs access to:
Partnering with the TrinaPro team gives developers and EPCs access to:
- Streamlined procurement
- Widespread component interoperability
- Bundling all major solar components to ensure easy integration and optimized system design
- Improved power gains, better efficiency, and lower LCOE
TrinaPro’s innovative low-voltage/high-string system design
- Delivers up to 12.8% more power
- Saves up to 5.6% on tracker projects per MW
- Reduces BOS costs by up to 4.49%
All Vertex modules have optimized compatibility with TrinaTracker for
- Faster installation times
- Innovative patented technology to mitigate risks
- Improved power gains, better efficiency, and lower LCOE